Private Wealth Management
Financial Planning:
Never underestimate the power of a plan.
Although having a plan seems intuitive, certain ‘financial professionals’ will lead with whatever product they seek to sell.
The mistakes we see with respect to investment decisions, tax & estate planning, health care, social security benefit elections, insurance, or business planning typically come from making decisions in a vacuum rather than in a coordinated manner.
Our view is a simple one – but requires hard work and skill. Financial decisions will be made more effectively if you do the following:
- Detailed discussion on the client’s ‘end in mind.’
- Thorough examination of all the moving parts – balance sheet, cash flow, tax returns, benefits, insurance, estate planning documents, budget, etc.
- Frame the current economic reality in a format that allows you to run multiple planning scenarios.
- Identify the priority action items to begin closing the gap between the ‘end in mind’ and the current reality.
- Be ready to pivot – because life is not linear.
- Review & refine consistently.
Starting with a financial plan can improve the probability of efficient execution and better outcomes. This is the step we see skipped most often.
The better we know you and your other advisors, the more impactful our advice will be.
Separate from the financial plan and our role as financial planner, we may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the financial plan and you are under no obligation to follow them.
Investment Management:
Vision without execution is hallucination. – Thomas Edison
Executing your game plan will be heavily impacted by how you allocate your capital.
We believe each individual, corporation, trust, or foundation will have uniquely different objectives and thus will warrant a personalized and custom investment policy.
The execution of that investment policy will be particular to your situation. The consistent themes and how we think about investing are as follows:
- Costs matter – they can have a huge impact on investor returns and will be constantly factored.
- Taxes Matter – tax management when applicable will be incorporated in every portfolio.*
- We are long term, patient investors – your timeframe is your biggest competitive advantage as a private investor. ‘Investing is most intelligent when it is most Business-like.’ Ben Graham
- Understand Compound Interest – it is an incredibly powerful mathematical formula and we will make sure your capital is invested with it in mind.
- Behavior – "The investor's chief problem—and even his worst enemy—is likely to be himself." – Ben Graham. Having a game plan helps frame your investment decisions and helps remove emotion from the investment process. This is where the biggest mistakes are made – and we will work diligently to help you avoid them.
*For a comprehensive review of your personal situation, always consult with a tax or legal advisor. Neither Cetera Advisor Networks LLC nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.